Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Wienernationals

Well, it wasn't exactly the National race yet, but it was a qualifying race for the Nationals (to be held in California). And while we didn't get to race our dogs this year, we did take them to participate in the festivities - well, some of them. We weren't crazy enough to dress them up in costumes.

This guy has just attacked a lifeguard! (He's wearing a shark sweater; you can't see the shark head very well because of the sunglasses)

This dog just went fishing and is dragging his catch along with him.

And this guy is taking his job as the Security dog very seriously. Doesn't want to leave his post!

Shelby and Royce did the Bobbing for Sausages, though.

Royce wasn't sure what to do at first, but the smell was tempting.

So instead he just licked the water and tried to get some of the sausage flavor on his tongue.

Shelby came along though and figured it out pretty fast (she's also been known to blow bubbles in the bathtub through her nose.)

Snagged one!

Royce is jealous as she gobbles it down. She wanted to do it again and again, but we eventually had to drag her away. She could have eaten the whole pan of them if we'd let her!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Do's and Dont's with Babies

We are going to be new parents in October! And as the typical first time parents-to-be usually are, we want to make sure we do everything correctly in taking care of our little bundle of joy. So we've been reading books, websites, magazines, gathering advice from strangers, and talking to many people who have already traveled this road. Nothing in our research has been as important, though, as the simple instructions below. Can you say "Oops! Wish someone had told me earlier!"??