Sunday, May 25, 2008

Do's and Dont's with Babies

We are going to be new parents in October! And as the typical first time parents-to-be usually are, we want to make sure we do everything correctly in taking care of our little bundle of joy. So we've been reading books, websites, magazines, gathering advice from strangers, and talking to many people who have already traveled this road. Nothing in our research has been as important, though, as the simple instructions below. Can you say "Oops! Wish someone had told me earlier!"??


ShaunaMahana said...

ROFL!!!! Oh my gosh, I'm going to remember only the "Don't"'s now! My favorite is the bonding time. What a great resource kids.

cheerlubber said...

Where on earth did you find those?! I just kept laughing harder and harder! Ahhh, those were freakin' hilarious. -wipes away tears-

Our Paper Plates said...

How funny! I think I will use these tips to train foster parents :) I'm excited for the new little addition that is heading your way!

By the way, where in the east valley did you buy your home? we are off of power and ray. maybe we are neighbors :) if not, we should still get together sometime soon. its been too long!