Sunday, August 10, 2008

You've Been Barack Roll'd

For those of you who understand what it means to be "Rickrolled" you might appreciate this video. Someone spent a lot of time putting this together, and I want to give them props for it. And who knew Barack could sing AND dance?

Well, then again, maybe he can't...


Our Paper Plates said...

I heard about this on the radio the other day (yes, i do listen to talk radio and no, I am not 80 years old). My work computer wont let me look at it - go figure- so I'll have to watch it from home. I heard it was soo funny!

Pace & Gwen said...

Hey, guys! How's the "bump" coming? Pretty soon, right? Keep us posted. I'm pretty uncomfortable these days... 'tis the season. :) PS - We've made our blog private. Just email me at and I'll send you an invite so you can still view it when you want to. :) Take Care! See you in December!