Some updated pictures of Carson. He's 3 months old in this set and loves sitting in the bath water. Mommy gets credit for making him laugh.

(don't worry, I made sure these were rated-G pictures)

Oh and this video will make any dad laugh that's gone through or is going through life with children:
Oh and we haven't had a repeat of the 1:44 episode
Hahaha...I'm so glad someone told me not to lift with my back! I will start lifting with my THYROID!!! hahahah.....I will be laughing about this for a while. That's great!
That was a funny video. I think that's why I seem to gain less weight with each pregnancy--I have more weights to work with!
Carson is so cute! When he was born, I wasn't sure which side of the family he resembled most, but I think he looks a lot like a Smith. :)
By the way...we love your videos. My kids still sing the mia hee song. :)
what a cutie :D
Hey Lachelle, it's Crystal. I found your blog through Julia's! It was good to see you last month...your baby is so cute! I love bath pictures! My blog is
Carson is so cute. The video is hilarious! I guess I shouldn't get upset with Dustin when he picks up Morgan by her onesie since it's a good way to work out your biceps.
Carson looks all grown up already. He is so handsome. Love the video maybe I can get matt to do some exercises.
Carson is so grown up looking with his big smile. Funny video, Carson would have fun doing that.
Carson is getting so big! So sorry to hear about the crying episode!! I hope it is getting much better for you guys :)
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