The official photo released of the April 27, 2009 fly over:

The White House has obviously never heard of Adobe Photoshop before, and instead spent $328,000+ in trying to get the photograph with the Statue of Liberty in the background. So while the White House might be in the dark about the advancements in photo editing software over the last decade, some of these people
below are really talented with using Photo"chop". Maybe Obama should hire them for his next big photo gig. It'll certainly save us a lot of money in the end.
Photo"chop" #1
Photo"chop" #2

Both of those look pretty darn good in my book! I would also say I think they look better than the original because the color is a lot brighter. Worth saving us taxpayers $328,000, wouldn't you agree? But Obama loves spending the money in a time of economic crisis. With a national debt of $11.3 trillion, what's $328k? Pocket change! But I digress... back to Photo"chopping".
The following 3 Photos"chops" are more for laughs.

Haven't seen this new movie yet. But I think it a clever movie poster. Who do you think would be the director for this? Any guesses??

I never saw the movie "Soul Plane" either, but I love this artwork. You have Obama, Clinton and Snoop Dogg. Ooooh yeah!

And this one makes me laugh the most. Obama having the time of his life, while Biden is Mr. Poopy Pants. That's okay, though. It's actually better that Biden keep his lips in a frown, because everytime he opens them, something stupid comes spilling out of his mouth.
I'm not an Obama fan, and yes, I'm a proud conservative! I love this country, and hate seeing it turned into a Socialist nation, one day at a time. I'm positive our founding fathers are all rolling in their graves, several times over.
God bless the USA!

photo by Danny Green; Washington, DC; July 2007