On Sunday, Carson was having a cranky day. He didn't nap at all during the entire 3 hours at church so he was t-i-r-e-d! To help cheer him up and stop the fussing, I initially filled the bathroom sink with water so he could put his feet in and kind of splash a bit. Then he discovered a cute kid in the mirror and he was all smiles! Thank goodness for the magic of mirrors.

"Gosh, who is this cute baby I see?"

"You look familiar...have I seen you before?"

"Maybe if I make a face he'll make one back."

"He's copying me!!"

Look closely and you'll see the drop of DROOL that his constant companion

"I see you, Daddy!"

"What's all that noise you're making? You're interrupting me."
(notice the "mullet" patch in the back...Danny wants to shave it off.
I'm trying to hold him off from doing that!)

"Are you taking pictures of me?"

"Ok, I'll do a good pose for you."
We love him to pieces! He's 5 months old now and is quite a character some days.
Carson is SUCH a cutie! I love his big brown eyes and that smile is going to melt some hearts when he is older. :)
I love the pictures. What a character. Mirrors are the best and Payton had the baby hair mullet, I trimmed it. It so crazy to see how hair grows in. Lila is the only one that got okay hair. It works out eventually. My favorite face is the surprise face. What a cutie.
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